Sunday, December 8, 2013

Little Mike Wazowski Wallpaper

Really love little Mike Wazowski that I decided to screen capture him as my wallpaper. :)  If you love him too, feel free to use. 

I like how Mike and Sul sat side by side...

Have to re-watch Monster University after I am done with my data entry!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Random pictures

Trying to backup stuff from the old laptop to the new MacBook and discovered the following pictures:

1. Screen Capture from the PhD Movie:

Yeah, I always feel like I'm just an imposter -- especially when people ask me about statistic and programming....

2. Lego 6394:
And I had this lego set when I was 8. It is a carpark with Shell station. I missed this set so much! (Okay I know this is random.)

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Install Windows Server 2012 R2 on MacBook Pro Retina 15 (late 2013) using Bootcamp

It was a chaotic experience, as officially Bootcamp never support Windows Servers. However, as I have free Windows Servers 2012 from Dreamspark, and I would like to have OneNote installed on my MacBook Pro, so I tried... There were tons of error and after 10 hours I got it up and running except the bluetooth still won't work. Here are my steps (it may or may not work again):

1. In Bootcamp, create the USB disc with Windows Servers 2008 R2 iso first. (Cause there was error when I directly installed 2012)

2. Download DAEMON Tools Lite 4. You will need this later.

3. Install Windows Servers 2008 using Bootcamp. Remember to REMOVE any other USB hard disk, this was one of the problems I encountered during my installation and I have to redo the whole thing again.

4. Install DAEMON Tools Lite 4 on Windows.
  • If you skipped step 2 -- 
    • the wifi would NOT work at this stage as the wifi service is disabled, I did not attempt to solve this as that needs to be solved again after installing 2012. So it may be easier to download DAEMON using another PC. 
    • If you do not have another PC connected to the Internet, you may try to enable Wireless LAN service and re-run Bootcamp installation files, theoretically this would get WiFi working but I am not sure. 
5. Mount Windows Servers 2012 R2 iso using Daemon. Install.

6. Install Windows Servers 2012 as a fresh copy (do NOT upgrade, it won't work).

7. After installation, run the Bootcamp installation files. (If you don't mind completing set up with the horrible screen resolution, you can actually skip this step and go ahead to step 8, I believe)

8. Everything should work except wifi (and bluetooth, but I don't use bluetooth so I did not attempt to solve this issue, if you can get bluetooth working, please let me know how to do it! :D ).

9. Enable Wireless LAN service in your server.

10. Re-run Bootcamp installation files.

11. Restart ... and enjoy! Wifi should work now :)

I have googled for a long time and seems many people says can't get 2012 installed using Bootcamp, of they can get that install but Wifi doesn't work, hope this instruction would help. :D

Friday, September 6, 2013

The first time I late for class

The following blog was originally posted in "easyjournal", which was gone way earlier than Xanga. Repost now because the recent discussion about the following email from HKUST IELM 4110 course reminded me of my UG life when we were also forced to take the IEEM 311 course - I think they are basically the same.

Frankly speaking, I don't see any problems about this email, it is important to state the rules clearly upfront these days so students know what we expect.

Here is the entry I wrote on IEEM311 a decade ago (10 years already! orz...)
The first time I late for class

Writing the FYP report till 7:30 am this morning, I found my eyes kept watering. This left me no choice but setting three alarms at 9:30 am then closed my eyes...

was all I read the next time I opened my eyes. (Don't ask me about the alarms, I don't know what happened to them...)

Without a second thought, I jumped out of bed and changed my clothes, picked my PRS (Personal Response System, a "remote-control" answering machine) and run all my way to LTA. I arrived there at 10:18. Then I immediately felt asleep again.

(Let's me explain why I need to re-locate myself this hurry for this sleep. We, UST CPEG students, are required to attend a very MEANING seminar course. Attendances are marked. If you late twice, it would automatically "upgraded" to one absent. If your attendance does not meet the requirement, you will fail the course and need to do it all over again. For final year student, fail the course simply means -- 

After each seminar, there is a quiz for testing your "understanding" using the PRS. To pass the course, you need to answer 60% of PRS questions correctly.)

I, together with many other students, woke up automatically when the PRS session started. Are you wondering how we can answer the questions without listening to the seminar? Read on and you will see the point!

The first PRS question was about something related to "matrix tuning", and asked at whichever phrase it should be done. I do not remember the options right now, but I thought the answer should be 2 or 3. The other two answers were eliminated by common sense. Many students however commented that the answer should be 4. So, with a little hesitation, I chose 4, as the rule of the PRS game is, choose what the majority choose.

The result statistics of PRS were shown instantly after 2 mins, and from the graph, we knew that only one student chose 2 and one student chose 3, all the other students chose 4. The lecturer seemed to be surprised and said, "Well, the answer should be 3."

So now you see how many students actually listened to the seminar.

You may wonder why, while class attendances are being voluntary under SARS, so many students still attend the seminar. The reason is very simple, and you may read the following email:
Dear students,

As you may know, classes will resume next Mon. We have invited Mr. XXX to speak on Occupational Risk Management Project Management for the coming IEEMYYY lecture on 16 April 03 (Wed).

Your attendance will be voluntary on the coming lecture. But of course you are welcome to come to the lecture, with your mask, on that day.

Since a major portion of IEEM YYY assessment is based on the PRS, we would make video lecture to be put on the web. (Time of availability will be announced later) If you encounter technical problems in viewing the lecture, you may request for CD-ROMs via WebCT. And for those who missed the classes, you would be asked to take a short exam as the final on May 21 (time and place to be announced) in lieu of PRS scores for the remainder of the semester.

In addition, we have reserve an office hour, every Wednesday from 11 to 12 for you to call Louisa So, the teaching assistant of IEEMYYY, at 2358ZZZZ, or you can write to or if prefer email.

In deed, SARS has severely disrupted our teaching and learning. However, people in Hong Kong are flexible and dynamics to overcome challenges like SARS.

Let's work together to make it work.

Best regards,
Professor TTTT

The ironic part is, this lecture with very high risk, i.e. a class size of 300 in a lecture theater without window, and most students are not getting anything out of it, is not cancelled, while the other very safe courses like Japanese, a class size of 20 in a classroom with many windows, are cancelled. I just do not understand what’s in the mind of our school management team. 

I bet you can tell how annoyed we felt towards the course. (Oh, and reading the "young" me though is, well, funny, and embarrassing.) 

The rational me back then actually understood the need of taking attendance, or else the huge theater would be almost empty. It is just that this course is for final students who were very much deprived of sleep, and this course seldom invited Computer engineers to share, so for us who were very unlikely, if not impossible, to become a civil or mechanical engineer, we could never relate to those topics and hence we usually slept through the seminar. But we would try our best to pick seat furthest away from the stage to avoid embarrassing the speaker. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hello Kitty

一小女孩突然指著我的額角,跟我說:謝老師,你如果呢度整隻蝴蝶結呢,你就會變成Hello Kitty架啦! -__-|||

Monday, June 17, 2013



Sunday, June 16, 2013


今時今日嘅兒歌係點樣」,筆者舉例的兒歌是奇離和難聽(首麵麵麵麵麵根本係讀歌唔係唱囉好唔好?),但我覺得「honey bees」組合的Honey才是不得不提的例子。歌其實不是真的很不濟--其實都幾難頂既,不過我喺幼稚園聽過更難頂既「爱我你就抱抱我」:



Thursday, June 13, 2013



Thursday, June 6, 2013



Wednesday, May 22, 2013


做naturalistic observation睇小朋友玩,其實真係「聽天由命」。停課無得收data固然大鑊,最慘係跟住兩日都要趕返今日既進度邊小朋友會好忙更加無時間玩……放一日假三日啲data都會差唔多無佐。


結論就係,我如果畢唔到業,可能係「天氣的錯」…… (標題黨:P)

Friday, May 17, 2013



るるるの歌 ~はじまり編~ 
るるるの歌 ~おとこオオカミ編~
るるるの歌 ~オオカミおとこ編~
るるるの歌 ~未来編~ 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

oh my god

一組小朋友最近不停說oh my god。
我問其中一位小朋友:你哋係邊度聽到oh my god架?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Troublesome two

Me, "What's color is this?" 
2-year-old Boy, "No! I don't know!"
Me, "Is this green?"
Boy, "No!"
Me, "Are you tired?"
Boy, "No!"
Me, "Your mom told me you like singing in your bed!"
Boy, "No!"
I talked to his maid for a while and then we said goodbye.
Boy, "Goodbye."
Me, "Great, you say goodbye to me!"
Boy, "NO!!!"

Saturday, May 4, 2013



中六,上樓梯見到班主任,叫了聲「miss X」。


Monday, April 15, 2013


Photo: 此門只能推開,廣告商提供錯誤資訊……

Thursday, March 7, 2013

