Tuesday, February 22, 2011



這是由真事合併而成的。「說英語的母親」其實經常見到吧。例如:一次乘港鐵時,見到一個六歲小男孩穿著運動鞋站在港鐵的座位上跳,在旁的媽媽只顧著用古怪的英語叫小朋友不可以跳("can't jumping"...)。「霸位」事件中的母親當時的好像是說「你要say/speak乜野啊?」,而因為我在街上聽到的「雙語廣播」多為全中及全英,較少中英夾雜,所以記此「霸位」事件之時便有所修改,既可加強言教和身教之對比,亦能突顯現今家長重學術輕道德教養的問題。



  1. 真的看不見有需要的人,你若禮貌地問他們讓座可否讓座,他們會二話不說立即站起來的,犯不著單單打打;
  2. 裝作看不見有需要的人,單單打打的話,或許會令他們難堪而讓座,但亦有機會是他們繼續扮聽不見,還是直接禮貌地問他們可否讓座,讓他們覺得決定權在於自己,而且,可能會有下一次呢;
  3. 壓根兒不覺得需要讓座的人,這類人既然能視而不見,對單單打打也會聽而不聞,更不會覺得難堪,就是你直接禮貌地請他們讓座也不會理會的。


唔……俠盜羅賓漢乎?恕我不太認同這個做法。難道我們要辦個「齊齊爭位坐,然後能讓座」的禮貌活動嗎?另外, 雖然小朋友受家人的影響很大,但他們也會觀察其它人的行為。如果大家都將「爭位坐」視為理所當然,小朋友不知就�也會有樣學樣去爭位坐的,此風不可長啊。


嘩,這個問題很深啊,原因也很多,簡單如:很累非坐不可、讓座帶來的快樂比不上坐著的快樂、執輸行頭慘過敗家之「有位唔坐,罪大惡極」等等……懶學術的話,可以用Kohlberg's stages of moral development的六個層次去分析現今香港人普遍的道德層次(讀書讀上腦)。有機會另文再談。



Typos courtesy of my HTC.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How children learn from their parents?

Heading home on the night of the Chinese New Year, I saw an old lady got on the train. She advanced into the center of the train, where seats of both sides were occupied by two families: on the left, there were a father with a boy aged 3ish sitting on his lap, a mother, an uncle, two aunties; on the right, there were a father, a mother, a 10ish boy and a 7ish girl. Both kids were soundly slept. (A man who apparently was not a family member occupied the leftmost seat on the right side.)

Perhaps no one saw the old lady. No one offered her a seat.

The tired old lady moved further into the train and leaned on the wall.

The uncle on the left side said he was about to get off. The father grabbed the opportunity and asked the boy in Cantonese, “咦,舅父要落車喎,要同舅父講乜野啊?(Oh, uncle John is going to get off the train, what should you say?)” The mother followed with English in a strange accent, “What do you say?” The little boy waved, “Bye Bye”.
Overhearing this, the old lady walked slowly towards where the uncle sat and intended to take his seat.

Then the uncle stood up.

The father immediately put his child (who was sitting on his lap) on the emptied seat. In a perfectly matched manner, the mother slide towards the child, picked him up and put him on her lap so as to offer her seat to another family member, an elegant young lady in her twenties. Slow and steady wins the race? Not this time. The old lady had no choice but to walk back to where she leaned.

The mother on the opposite side spotted the old lady, immediately she woke her girl. The little girl rubbed her eyes; the mother pointed at the old lady; the little girl stood up obediently without further parental instruction. The mother asked the old lady to take the seat and hinted her little one to sit on her lap.

Dear parents, actions speak louder than words.

(Translated from my post "何謂家教?", not a word-by-word translation though...)

Thursday, February 3, 2011





左邊那家人的舅舅言談間表示下一站要下車,爸爸把握機會,跟小男孩說:「咦,舅父要落車喎,要同舅父講乜野啊?」媽媽則以不太標準的英語口音道:「what do you say? 」(用法也不太準確。)小男孩揮手說:「bye bye。」




各位父母,一個行為猶勝千言萬語。 And for that mother who prefers English, an act is worth more than a million words.